Weeknotes 112
I love designing but working on real world projects can become overwhelming. This week, let me advocate for taking on trivial projects from time-to-time to lessen the bigness of it all.

Weeknotes 110
I turned 42 this week. While I have no specific feelings about the age of 42 (beyond the cultural significance some of us may recognise in the number), I struggle with birthdays in general. The reminder of mortality that comes with a birthday wholly overshadows the celebration.

Weeknotes 109
I’m back after a couple of weeks’ break from weeknoting. The work didn’t stop, but the writing did. I’m finding the internet a difficult place to inhabit at the moment, there’s lots going on in the world that is hard to read about and even harder to ignore, and every time I’ve attempted to write about my week it felt pointless.

Weeknotes 106
A short weeknote. Stickers. Back pain. Outfit spotting in classic 80s moves.

Weeknotes 105
This week, I juggled some design work, betrayed my design roots with Canva, and got out of my comfort zone for a local networking event.

Weeknotes 104
Balancing work with having builders in at home. Preparing for user testing. Escaping to Wales. Quite a busy week for weeknotes 104.

Weeknotes 103
This was a short week, broken up with a catch up with old friends and punctuated by a day off helping move house. Is it just me or has January already been six weeks long?

Weeknotes 102
Incredibly cold weather didn’t stop me this week, starting a new phase of my project, looking towards the speculative next contract and enjoying some long (and cold) dog walks.

Weeknotes 101
It’s Sunday, I’ve got washing in the machine, a beef stew in the slow cooker, and a hot cup of tea. It’s time for the return of weeknotes.

Weeknotes 011
This will be a short weeknote to follow a busy week. Christmas is ramping up, and my time is feeling the bite.

Weeknotes 010
As my week notes enter double figures this week was another a busy one, as Christmas social events start to pick up and the lines between work and work blur as I put a bit of time into learning some new stuff.

Weeknotes 009
This was a bit of a tough week, we’re in the last moments of preparation before a soft launch of the project I’ve been working on and the 80:20 rule is in full effect.

Weeknotes 008
This week I had a little think about money and opportunity cost, and I bought an obnoxious new cycling jacket.

Weeknotes 007
Weeknote seven, and week two of freelancing. There’s a lot to write about this week. I published a blog post, it made me think a lot about what design management could be, I met my first proper work deadline, I enjoyed some face to face time, and opened up some coffee slots. Enjoy!

Weeknotes 006
What a week. My first week of freelancing was both very different and extremely familiar. The work I’m doing, the day-to-day activities are the same, but I’ve had a big shift in my mindset and a renewed energy

Weeknotes 005
An eventful week of mixed emotions. For the first time in 18 years I’m not in traditional full-time employment, I am now a fully fledged, kicked-out-the-nest freelancer and it’s going to take some getting used to

Weeknotes 004
We’re really on the home stretch now, with four working days left at TPXimpact. I’m hoping that my last four days will be as relaxed as possible, wrapping up my time on my project, and saying some hard goodbyes to colleagues and friends.

Weeknotes 003
Two weeks left at TPXimpact I find myself not quite wrapping up, but definitely on the home stretch.
Weeknotes 002
I made it back for a second go. Shocking. It’s been an odd week, I’m not quite done with the day job and I'm not quite ready to kick off the freelance lark, so it’s felt a bit in-between things.
Weeknotes 001
It’s time for a new season of weeknotes. Last time I attempted this was three years ago, when I’d changed jobs and was trying to figure out exactly what I had done, jumping from in-house design to a cool, impactful, well-renowned consultancy (Rest in peace, Futuregov). Now I find myself at the end of that role, at what later became TPXimpact, and about to embark on a new journey, exploiting my own labour for a change.