Hello, I’m Martin Wright, a friendly designer doing work that matters
I’m an independent designer with extensive and celebrated experience designing websites and services for clients including central and local government, healthcare, charity, and private sector.
I’m a dedicated, experienced, hands-on senior leader, people manager, design practitioner, and lifelong learner. I’m passionate about working with people to deliver the very best user-centred design to solve problems that really matter.
In my time in the industry I’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide range of clients, including multiple local councils, central government departments, the University of Oxford, the WWF and the RNIB. For me, the web is best when it serves the greater good, and I actively seek out projects that align with this philosophy.
I was born in Reading but spent my teenage years in Perth, Western Australia before moving back to the UK and settling in Shrewsbury. I dabbled in web design during college, hand coding websites for bands which gave me a taste for the immediacy of making things on the internet.
I took Computer Science at University, where I became interested in human-computer interaction and product design. My web skills helped me develop this interest, and I wrote my dissertation on designing computer aided learning with game reward systems.
After university I was Web Team Leader for my local council, where I learnt the benefit of rapid prototyping in a ‘demo or die’ culture. My proudest achievement there was pushing the team to work in the open, starting a web development blog and a launching a public beta of a new Shropshire.gov.uk, which was later cited as a precursor to alpha.gov (which later became GOV.UK and span off into the Government Digital Service)
The work my team and I did at Shropshire was well received in the industry but I wanted to experience a wider range of clients and problems to grow my skills. Enter Torchbox, where I worked with clients in the charity and education sectors as a Senior Designer, culminating in my role as Design Lead for the award winning University of Oxford website.
Curriculum Vitae
Double True Ltd · Creative Director
October 2024 – PresentTPXimpact · Design Strategy Lead
September 2021 – October 2024mySociety · Design Lead
August 2013 – September 2021Torchbox · Senior Designer
June 2012 – August 2013Shropshire Council · Web Team Leader
December 2006 – June 2012
Happy clients
University of Oxford
Médecins Sans Frontières
Kings Fund
Recycle Now
Samsung Football
I felt the pull of home though, and returned to Shrewsbury with the help of a remote role at mySociety, where I designed products and services for citizens, governments, and international activist groups. I found this kind of work immensely rewarding. During this time I developed a new global brand for the charity’s core websites, designed and deployed a sub branding system to support international and online events, and supported the roll out of a brand new company – building services for local government clients to help fund the charity’s democratic access work.
Building on this, I spent three years working for TPXimpact (formerly Futuregov) as a Design Lead, working on Central and Local Government user-centred design projects, as both a lead designer and in project leadership, responsible for the end-to-end project lifecycle, the delivery approach and the multidisciplinary team behind the work.
As of October 2024, I’m a freelance designer, offering product and service design to clients worldwide.
I live in Shrewsbury with my wife, two daughters and a hyperactive Cocker Spaniel. I like punk-rock, the outdoors, and the films of Wes Anderson. In my free time you can find me running, riding my bike down a hill, or camping somewhere in the beautiful British countryside.
“You’ve been a dream to work with, Martin”